Adult non-fiction

Cover of Brighton Bound

Brighton Bound: Stories of moving to, around and out of the city, 1920s-2020s

I am part of the Hopeful Solidarities project team, which explores spaces and possibilities for hope and solidarity in Brighton and Hove. In collaboration with QueenSpark Books, we published Brighton Bound, about migration to, around and from our city.

Published October 2024

Great British Kings and Queens cover

Great British kings and queens – a pictorial history

In this beautifully illustrated pictorial history, I explore the British monarchy and its host of kings, queens and pretenders. Including family trees, timelines and information boxes on key events, Great British Kings and Queens introduces this fascinating thousand-year history, providing rich biographical detail of Britain’s remarkable monarchs.

cover of Kings and Queens of Britain

Kings and Queens of Britain

For more than 1,000 years the British monarchy has dramatically shaped national and international history. Kings and queens have conquered territory, imposed religious change and extracted taxation, each with their own motivations and ambitions.

In this beautifully illustrated book, I delve into the extraordinary history of the British monarchy and its host of kings, queens and pretenders.

‘Very well illustrated and great information on all the royals
Would recommend to all.’
Sally, 15 May 2024, on Amazon

A beautiful book with gorgeous photos and really up to date. Best Buy I’ve had for ages!’ Carla, Australia, 31 January 2020, on Amazon

Stranded in the Six-Day War, Cath Senker

Stranded in the Six-Day War

The extraordinary story of the 14 merchant ships trapped in the Suez Canal at the start of the Six-Day War in June 1967. I launched this book in June 2017 at the 50-year anniversary reunion of the former seafarers who were on the stranded ships.

Read more

Cybercrime and the Darknet

Neither cybercrime nor the darknet are straightforward – they are a morass of contradictions and grey areas. Cybercriminal activity occurs on the surface net: harassment, copyright infringement, fraud, subversion, sabotage and terrorist propaganda. But although these actions are illegal, are some of them legitimate? Those who believe information should be free oppose copyright laws, while cyber subversion and sabotage can help topple authoritarian regimes; they were vital catalysts in the 2010–11 Arab uprisings. Cath examines some of these complexities in the book.

‘I recently bought your book titled: Cybercrime and the Dark Net, at Barnes and Noble in Arizona.
It is extremely well written and your explanations and definitions of the whole scenario was very informative. One of the best I have read on the entire subject and I have read 15 or so books on the same subject. Yours is by far a cut above the rest. Good work.’

Greg Burgoyne, May 2021

Help Your Child with Study Skills

As a writer and teacher of study skills, I helped DK editor Carron Brown put together a team of authors for this title and wrote a chapter myself. It’s just as useful for adult learners as for children.

Full list of adult titles

Brighton Bound: Stories of moving to, around and out of the city, 1920s-2020s

I co-authored this title. Brighton has long been known as a welcoming city. As this book demonstrates, that reputation is often well-deserved, yet Brighton is also a place of persisting inequalities and injustices.


Great British Kings and Queens – a pictorial history

A shorter version of Great British Kings and Queens (March 2021)

The Kings and Queens of Britain

The political, economic and social impact of the British monarchy during 1,000 years of history (October 2019)

Stranded in the Six-Day War

The extraordinary story of 14 ships trapped in the Suez Canal for eight years (July 2017)

Cybercrime and the Darknet

My first adult non-fiction title, published as an e-book by Arcturus (September 2016) and in paperback (July 2017)

Help Your Kids With Study Skills

I wrote a chapter in this title.  (DK, 2016)

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